Customized features
to improve your phone service

The solution to make your teams even more efficient on the phone !

phone receptionist service

Numéros internationaux

International numbers

Get operating numbers all over the world instantly.

Messages répondeur

Answering machine messages

Store all of your messages in the same place. Listen to your messages again and download them at your convenience.

Permanence téléphonique

Constant call center service

Set up your availability time slots and define your call backs scenario based on callers’ needs. Record your messages to guide your clients along and inform them.

Gestionnaire de son

Sound manager

Create your messages using vocal synthesis in a variety of languages. All you need to do is upload your sounds files
in order to set up your welcome, time slots
and answering machine messages.

Files d'attente


Manage your incoming calls by assigning a group of team members to process the awaiting calls.

Serveur Vocal Interactif

Interactive Voice Response (IVR)

Customize your IVR to give your calls the best service possible. Use your IVR to direct your callers whether to the right adviser or to leave a note on the service at the end of the communication.

Contexte d'un appel

Call context

Once a number is created, you have the possibility of configuring its destination to link it to a user, a phone, an external number, a queue as well as an IVR. Choose your welcome message and settings for optimal call flow management.

call center

Ajouter un utilisateur

Add users

Drive your growth by managing your users in the most optimal way for you. Once everything is in place, you can add all your team directly.

Créer vos équipes et groupes

Create your teams and groups

Build your teams by assembling your advisers, give them the task of enacting your strategies and managing your call flows.

Gestion des compétences

Skill management

Set each of your call operators up with a skill set to ensure clients are connected with the most adapted adviser each time. Operators’ skill sets can include the language they speak, for example.

Qualification d'appels

Calls classification

Establish different categories so your teams can successfully classify each call based on the clients’ needs.

Casacade d'appels

Call flow

Streamline your teams’ duties and give them free rein to implement our call flow distribution strategies.

Campagnes sortantes

Outgoing call campaign

Put in place automatic outgoing call campaign via a prospective file containing clients to call.

Transfert accompagné

Guided transfer

Transfer calls to teammates with having taking the time to contextualize it before.

Appels simultanés en illimité

Unlimited simultaneous calls

Make or receive unlimited and simultaneous calls with the same number.



Generate a number with a password for all of your meetings and conferences.


Tableau de bord en live

Live dashboard

Monitor your activity in real time via your interface and follow the indicators to increase your productivity.

Enregistrement des appels

Call recording

Listen to your calls again to analyze the quality of your teams’ call handling and customer service skills. Work on improving your teams’ productivity, call flow management and outgoing call campaigns.

Supervision des appels

Call supervision

Listen to the calls live and give your team members feedback.

Journal de connexion

Connection log

Get a daily overview of your call operators’ activity and distribution. Use your tools to track your teams’ connection times and breaks.

Call Analytics

Statistiques des appels

Calls statistics

Review your calls’ Key Performance Indicators (received calls, processed calls, QoS, ACW…). You can export your data on a daily or hourly basis for insights into your call flow, queues and skills.

Enregistrement des appels

Advisers’ diligence

Get a complete vision of your operators’ productivity and call distribution.

Exporter vos données

Export your data

Export your data from your call center and use Big Data to your advantage.

to your CRM

Clic to call

Click to call

Start calling with the click of a button via a website or CRM. Your calls will be launched from the Graam app.

Intégration à votre CRM

Integration to your CRM

Graam will be instantly integrated to your CRM tools and will help you to manage your call flows.

API & Webhook

API & Webhook

Combine all of your professional tools. Our system has been developed to flawless integrate your existing process.


Computer Telephony Integration (CTI)

The computer telephony integration to your CRM will enable you to enhance your services and capacity of your sales team.